Friday Favorites!

This has been the kind of week that I have no idea what day it is.  I really feel like today should be Tuesday.  It's been a long week!  Between Matt's car, my back, and the medicine to help heal my back it's been a doozy!  If I had tried to start this on Thursday night I would not have been able to think of a single positive thing this week.  I was down!  Which leads me to my first favorite.

1.  Walking - I started walking multiple days a week when we first moved here.  It's great exercise and great to get outside and get some fresh air.  The medicine I was on for my back really messed with my blood sugar.  I was way out of whack (hence the bad mood).  When my sugars feel high walking is great to get it down.  Consistent walking keeps it normal and not being able to walk while on a med that messed with me was too much!  It was crazy hot yesterday so I did a one mile power walk youtube workout, cleaned up some dead plants outside, and helped Matt finish up the mowing.  Amazing the difference.  

2.  My coworker and I got a thank you present from the database company we use.  We are on a team of people who pilot new releases and provide feedback.  There was a cute bag, a notebook, AND a Yeti tumbler!  We both are recent converts to the Yeti brand and we squealed with delight when we opened it!

3.  I really wanted to go to Trader Joe's on my birthday but the line was down the block and wrapped around the building.  I decided to do my shopping at Trader Joe's today!  I got things on my list plus some treats.  We are having a slumber party with at least one niece (hopefully more) this weekend so we needed treats.  Right?  I'm excited about the English toffee and the Neapolitan Joe Joe's.  The Chile Lime seasoning is good on popcorn.  I'm snacking on that now.  Funny how going shopping in a different neighborhood feels like a vacation.  Since they were actively limiting the number of shoppers allowed in the store I could actually see the shelves.  That place is always crazy!  Bonus - I talked to my dad on the drive home.  Nothing like talking to your daddy to make your day better!

4.  I've been trying to get my weight loss back on track and hit a 5 pound loss goal.  So I treated myself to a dress from Old Navy.  It was on clearance for $7.65.  

5.  These words really blessed me this week.  

Have a great weekend!

Linking up here.



  1. That's fun getting little surprise presents. We never go to Trader Joe's because it's not that close to us. I should try to get there sometime. I ended up going to TJ Maxx on my birthday back in June. It's funny, something that is so normal to do is now so exciting I hadn't been to TJ Maxx since March when they closed.

  2. What a great deal on that dress!


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