February Fun with Pickles

How have I not devoted a post to an entire month of Pickles?  This girl brings us so much joy, we call her our dog-child, so it's natural.  She's also way more popular than either one of us combined.  Here is all the fun that our little sweet P has been up to.

She is really settling in to the new house.  She loves here!  She has been way more snuggly too.  At the old house she spent a lot of time in her kennel when she was inside.  Now she likes to be in whatever room we are in and will sit right next to us.

Pickles has a new friend in the neighborhood.  A little boy across the street saw her and came over to meet her.  Actually, we caught him peeking in our back door and the window.  I went out and met him and told him peeking in people's windows is creepy.  It is a pretty hilarious story!  The boy didn't mean any harm.  The first time I went out he ran across to his house and I heard him ask his brother what I was doing, expecting me to come over or be angry.  The brother said "Well she's smiling..." so he turned around.  I introduced myself and Pickles and went inside.  He came back and was saying hi to her and asked us through the window if she could come outside.  He came back a third time after we had finished dinner and she was outside.  So I went out and found out his name and talked to him for a bit.  I guess we'll be getting that fence installed sooner than later.  Ha!

That is an adorable picture of our nephew at our super bowl party.  We had 42 people in our house and she was the hostess with the mostess!  See here there with the kids?

Basically living her best life.

Proud Pickles.  She loves going for car rides, especially to the park.  

No caption needed.  She loves to nap with her daddy like this. 

Hanging with me while I do my morning Bible reading.

See that dot way back in the corner?  This is why we usually just take her to the small dog yard at the park.  She could spend all day there sniffing!

Taking a lot of walks lately. 

She has gone as far as the yard chain will allow her to let me know she wasn't ready to come inside.

Usual spot.  She sleeps in her kennel in our room at night, but has the run of the house during the day.

Playful Pickles!  This was ducky's last night.  Shortly after this she ripped it open and pulled out the fuzz.  She doesn't do that very much anymore. 

Sweet heart!

Instead of greeting me at the door one day, she just rolled over and waited for her belly rub.


  1. Pickles is so SWEET! Love finding other beagle families :) Stopping by after the What's Up Wednesday link up


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