High Five for Friday
This week has zipped by!
1. Last weekend Matt and I went to watch Sawyer play baseball. He loves baseball so much!

2. Some of Maggie's coworkers threw her a bachelorette party. It was so much fun and I was super happy that she has such fun people to work with. It was great to hang out with Autumn too!
3. I was craving soup for lunch today so I stopped by Panera. Bonus I had a dollar off on my Panera card. Then they accidentally gave me a bowl instead of a cup. Awesome!

4. I bought these earrings on a whim and I love them!

5. We have a new favorite show! We started on Monday and are already half way through the first season! I think we will try to finish it off this weekend so we can start the second season on Monday.

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