These Measuring Cups!
I was shopping with my mother-in-law, Nancy, one day when we saw these measuring cups. We were in Francesca's, which is a super cute little store. They have clothing, accessories, and fun gift items. Whenever I see a Francesca's I have to go in and spend hours looking at everything.
When I saw these measuring cups I couldn't stand it! They are so cute! I pointed them out to Nancy. But they aren't the kind of thing you would just buy for yourself. Or at least not me. I would look at them, long for them, leave, obsess over them, convince myself that I needed them, then go to hunt them down. Lucky for me, I didn't have to do that. She got them for my birthday! Along with a cute top, scarf, and iPhone wallet. Must be where Matt gets his great gift giving ability!
I have always had a thing for Matroyshka Dolls. Matroyshka dolls are Russian nesting dolls. I love them! Every time I see them and open them up to find a smaller little doll inside I am excited. I remember going to an exhibit of Russian artifacts with my mom. I can't remember from what era, maybe my mom can help me out on that one. But I remember a few things clearly. How gorgeous and opulent some of the stuff was. Just incredible. The Faberge eggs. And the Matroyshka dolls! I'm not sure how I didn't pester my mom into buying me the dolls from the gift shop. That's how I shop though. I see it, I love it, I leave it there, then I kick myself for not buying it.
Anyway, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Beware, the cuteness is out of control!
Okay here is the big one. Precious!! But wait....
Open her up and there's another one!! Adorable! But wait....
Open up that one and there's one more! OMG! I can't handle the cuteness. Six measuring cups in one cute little package!
Clearly, I am a sucker for cute things. I am nuts over all things baking, cooking, and kitchen related. I completely missed my calling or maybe it's a new calling. I seriously have to find a job where I can be surrounded by baking, cooking, and kitchen cuteness!!

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