High 5 For Friday
It's been a while since I've posted my top five best things that happened during the week. So without further ado here are my top 5 plus a bonus update.
2. The weekend before school started we kept seeing this cute little dog running the neighborhood. Sunday night Matt was working in the front yard. He tapped on the window to tell me to go out back. He had lured the dog into our backyard. It was a sweet little dog. Pickles loved him! He slept on our deck that night with a pillow and some towels. We gave him food and water. He really really wanted to come inside. I think he was someone's pet but they dumped him. Matt took him to be microchipped but he didn't have one. Our neighbor agreed to take care of him during the day and see what he could do. He took him to a no kill shelter. I was pretty sad about it because I started to think that maybe we should keep him. He's at the Zona Rosa KC Pet Project. I went to visit him last weekend. Look at him! I would link to the website but I just checked it and he's not listed anymore. Hooray! They told me at the shelter that they would tell me where he landed. I may have to stop by tomorrow.
3. My mom and dad were in town last weekend for Labor Day. Enough said! It was awesome seeing them! Yes, I cried when I left them like I do every. single. time! I'm a 39 year old big mommy and daddy's girl. What can I say? They are the best ever!
4. Check out this cute picture. No, Jackson is not drinking pop. His Uncle Joe had finished his drink and left it on the floor. Jack picked it up and drank the melting ice. He carried it around and then he put it in the cup holder in his little car! He put it in the cup holder!!! How adorable is that?
1. Matt won tickets to the Chiefs preseason game a couple weeks ago. It was HOT HOT HOT! But we had a great time. The seats were awesome!
3. My mom and dad were in town last weekend for Labor Day. Enough said! It was awesome seeing them! Yes, I cried when I left them like I do every. single. time! I'm a 39 year old big mommy and daddy's girl. What can I say? They are the best ever!
4. Check out this cute picture. No, Jackson is not drinking pop. His Uncle Joe had finished his drink and left it on the floor. Jack picked it up and drank the melting ice. He carried it around and then he put it in the cup holder in his little car! He put it in the cup holder!!! How adorable is that?
5. On Wednesday Matt called me at work to see if we wanted to babysit Sawyer, Oakley, and Walker. Jill and Aaron had gotten some great tickets to the Royals game and really wanted to go but the normal grandparent babysitters were busy and not able to make it in time for them to go. That's a no brainer! Of course we wanted to babysit!! It was so much fun. They are such great kids. I loved how Sawyer tried to bargain for more TV time.
6. Update on work: It's okay. Some days are great, some days are not. But that's any job, right? It's very different than anything I have ever done. I'm figuring it out day by day. Luckily, everyone is super nice and helpful. My principal is amazing! I have been very lucky with my last two principals.

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