Friday Five #19

Hello!  I'm over here wondering how it's already June 14 and I haven't even been to the pool yet.  Here's five random things from this week.

1.  I had a gift card to Caribou and instead of coffee I got a fizzy peach black tea.  They poured sparkling water into a fruity tea and I loved it!  Bubbles make everything better.

2.  Speaking of coffee shop gift cards.  I also had one to Starbucks so I loaded it up to there app and got a mobile coffee last weekend.  Those Starbucks people are so smart.  You don't even have to get out of the car, you can pick it up in the drivethru.  

3.  Matt had an impromptu half day this week because they have so many interns right now.  He came to see me and my coworker told me to take the rest of the day off too.  We had a coffee date (still using that gift card to SB).  I also learned that you can send a gift card via text message!  I sent my coworker a text gift card to SB to get herself a coffee.  I wonder what other gift cards I can send via text?

4.  We got invited to watch Jack play baseball.  It's machine pitch and it's the cutest.  He didn't know we were coming so he was very surprised to see us.  

He slid into home

and he got to catch. 

5.  I leave you with the face of summer. Covered in dirt and candy and having the best time.  Emma Marie is so much fun!  

Side Note: no pic of Evalyn because she was busy buying $1 ring pops from the concession stand and playing volleyball with a big girl.  


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