What's Up Wednesday? - April 2018
It's What's Up Wednesday! Here's What's up!
What we're eating this week?
I'm slowly hanging some things up around the house. My new magnetic chalkboard is perfect for our weekly menu. I plan from Friday - Thursday because I grocery shop on Friday. I planned Taco Salad on Tuesday but found out the lettuce I bought was possibly infected with e-coli. So I erased the -alad and we just had tacos. Still great!
What I'm reminiscing about?
That time Pickles and I napped together. This was a record cuddle session for our independent little girl. I loved every minute of it!
Our new to us outdoor sectional! My brother's family moved into a new house last weekend. Their outdoor sectional wouldn't work in their new outdoor space and our porch swing didn't really fit in our new outdoor space. We made a trade and I love it! I've sat outside every day after work this week, except today because it's raining. We need some new cushions but it's awesome!
What we've been up to?
Last weekend we helped Johnny and Sonia move into their new home. It's an old home in a small town. Matt and Johnny had a tough time getting the king sized mattress up the old stairs. Jack to the rescue. Once they got those 6 year old muscles involved it was smooth sailing.
What I'm dreading?
Can't think of a thing!
What I'm working on?
We switched database providers at work and that's the main scope of my job. I love working in this new system. This is our first week our of the training phase and I've had to remind myself to go home and not work overtime figuring things out.
What I'm excited about?
What I'm reading?
I just did a quick read of this book in hopes of being inspired by some new plant based recipes.
I wasn't.
What I'm listening to?
My friend Leslie sang this song at a women's conference recently and I can't stop singing it.
What I'm watching?
Did you know my favorite show is MidSomer Murder? I don't even care if it makes me sound old or uncool. I love that show! It's on PBS and Netflix.

What I'm wearing?
I'm still wearing these Costco pants as much as possible. I was digging through the pile last week and a lady came over to politely ask me if I needed help. Then not so politely told me they didn't have my size anymore, so I walked away and didn't clean up my piles. I was in a mood so she's lucky I didn't sweep them all onto the floor. Ha!!
What I'm doing this weekend?
Hanging out with family! Mom and Dad will be here. There will be all sorts of good times.
What I'm looking forward to next month?
Matt's birthday is next month, that's always number 1. We have a wedding and a Royals game planned. I'm going to a women's event with a friend one Friday morning.
What else is new?
We had a great time with Oakley and Walker last weekend. Last weekend was a busy one. Of course we made a trip to the dog park. They had fun watching Pickles dig holes in the soft dirt. We're taking bids on fences now.
Bonus: What is my favorite thing to give on Mother's Day?
Well, since my mom is my number one ready I can't tell you!
I love your menu board! Also, love that your dog's name is Pickles - too cute! Wishing you a wonderful rest of your April! - Brenda // ChattingOverChocolate.com