Spring Q&A
Here we go again with another question and answer post. My fave!
1. What 3 colors remind me of spring?
Pink, yellow, sky blue
2. What is the first thing I add to my wardrobe in spring?
Short sleeve tops I got these two at Old Navy last week
3. What’s the first thing I ditch in spring?
Bulky sweaters! But I had to wear a bulky sweater instead of my Easter dress this year. I was glad the sweaters were still in my closet. Also, all the boots. I’m not a boot fan.
4. Who does the mowing in this house?
The guy in the middle.
5. What's spring like where I live?
We are in third winter right now.
6. What's my favorite thing about spring?
Longer days, shorter nights, green grass. I'm excited to see what's growing in our new yard!
7. Am I a spring cleaner?
Yes, I try to do a really really deep clean every season.
8. Are you a baseball fan?
Yes! Go Royals!
9. Tulips or daffodils?
10. Favorite outdoor spring activity?
Going for walks.
11. Flowers in the ground or pots?
I love to plant perennials in the ground and annuals in pots. I haven't done a lot of potted plants in the past but I think I may do more now.
12. Favorite bird?
Flamingo - all day, every day! Local favorite bird is the robin.
13. Car wash or wash cars at home?
Car wash for sure. If it has rainbow foam, even better.
14. When do you pull out your sandals?
If it's over 75, it's sandal weather. But I actually prefer closed toe shoes for most occasions.

Linking up
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