An Experiment in Eating - What did I eat? Week 1

Well, today is the first day of week 2 of my plant based eating experiment.  Could this meat and cheese loving girl eat vegan for a whole week?  How would I feel at the end of the week?  Would I see any results after just one week?

I did it!  I ate plant based all week.  I went to a ladies night out and my favorite Indian restaurant was there so I did eat two pieces of chicken from there.  It's too good and they were the size of chicken nuggets.  I can definitely maintain this style of eating.  BUT... I missed meat!  Next week I planned one meal with ground beef.  I bought organic grass fed ground beef.  I'll probably add back in salmon and other meats on occasion.

I feel great!  I even lost a little weight.  I'm getting my yearly physical in a couple weeks so I'll be interested to see if my numbers are any different after a couple weeks of plant based eating.  On day 4 Matt commented on how good my skin looked.  My hair and my skin both look way better.  (I also switched to shampoo and conditioner that is paraben free, sulfate free, free of all the bad stuff).  I haven't been hungry, my... um... bowels are working well.  It's kind of amazing how a week can make a change.  I'm excited for week 2!

Chili Lime Roasted Chickpeas - These were really good.  But I didn't eat them fast enough and they lost their crunch.
Nooch Popcorn - I've been wanting to try this for so long.  I finally bit the bullet and purchase nutritional yeast at Sprouts.
Lara Bars

Coffee with Almond Milk Creamer - Matt really didn't like this so I found a different brand for next week.  I thought it was pretty good.

Ice Tea sweetened with Agave
Flavored Teas from Anna Marie's Teas

Baked Oatmeal - This was so yummy!  I'm making baked oatmeal again for this week.  Maybe a different flavor.  I ate these as a sweet snack.
Smoothies with almond milk, fruit, spinach, and flax seed.  I mixed up the smoothies with fruits that were fresh and frozen.  Aldi had some frozen bags of smoothie cut fruit that was chopped smaller.  Love that idea!  Sometimes they were green, sometimes not.  Usually I would make a double batch.  Matt likes protein powder so I'd put some in a shaker jar with half the smoothie. Then I would add spinach and flax seed to the blender for me.

I love leftovers for lunch!
Chipotle - no meat, no cheese, no sour cream

Garlic Sticky Noodles with side of roasted broccoli - Super yummy!  I used regular whole wheat noodles instead of what the recipe calls for.  I made teriyaki chicken for Matt to go with this.
Broccoli Cheese Soup - I liked this a lot.  Matt liked the flavor but not the texture.  It's really thick and creamy.  I made a grilled cheese with sprouted grain bread for Matt.  For me I just toasted the bread and broke it up as croutons.
Autumn Salad - I didn't use kale because Matt's not a fan.  I used romaine and spinach.  Delicious!
Cauliflower Walnut Taco bowls - served over quinoa.  Plenty of salsa, avocados, lettuce, black beans, corn, and jalapenos for me.  I really like the cauli/walnut combo but I am not a huge quinoa fan.  At least not in this case.  The last time I made these I made homemade taco shells with corn tortillas.  That's the way to go.  Eat this as tacos and you won't regret it!


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