High Five for Friday
1. Matt won his golf tournament on Sunday! He got first place! I'm so proud and excited for him. He has worked really hard.
2. I am loving these smoothie straws!!
3. I took Pickles to get her nails done and a bath this week. I bought her a treat. She refused to touch it until we got home. I gave it to her and she took it back to her kennel and pouted.
3. I had the best time yesterday helping Jill and Aaron move. I took Sawyer and Oakley to the pool. We were there for a couple hours. I had to pretty much drag them out of there by reminding them that this is their new pool and they can go there for free anytime they wanted. Hopefully, they'll bring their Aunt Lisa! Ha!
4. Check out this little precious! Walker had the best time just opening and closing the doors or windows on the playhouse in their new backyard.
5. I had lunch with Matt today at my favorite place, Panera. He teases me about it but it's good. It's the second time I ate there this week. Oops! We hardly saw each other yesterday because I was out in OP most of the day and he went to work and then a concert with a friend. By the time he got home I was asleep. I love being able to just have lunch with Matt any time. Summer is awesome!

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