Friday Favorites - 9.4.20


How many pictures of my dog is too many?  That's a trick question!  The answer is there are not enough photos of Pickles on the internet.  Ha!

1.  This week we went back to Hodge Park to walk the paved trail.  It was my idea of an adventure.  We have never gone to the end of the paved path.  I've felt like there is a better entrance and parking situation for that part of the trail.  Matt kind of knew where it was but I wanted to start where we usually start by the golf course and go check it out.  It seemed more fun that way!  It ends where Matt thought it would but it goes on a bit longer and there's a super cool park there.  Pickles went with us and enjoyed driving with the windows done.  She usually moves away from open car windows.  

2.  Portrait Mode on the i-phone is great! I forget about it all the time.  Look at how happy that little dog is!

3.  This week went slowly at work.  Work started busy busy busy.  Small groups are starting back up so helping with calendars and meeting locations kept me busy.  But then I got my part of the work done and had to wait on replies and decisions.   I finished a book I started in August.  I was about 1/3 of the way done and finished it one afternoon.  My next read is a WWII historical fiction novel.  I forget the title right now.

4.  After I am done typing this I am going to prep the front door to paint it.  I gave Matt the option of navy blue or the same chocolate brown as the shutters.  He picked the shutter color since we have it.  It just needs a freshening up.  I found some lighter blue samples and I have a crazy idea to create an accent wall somewhere in the house with it.  We'll see if I get brave enough to do that.  

5.  We may be getting a new car this weekend.  Other than that we really don't have many plans.  We'll go to the cemetery for sure on Sunday.  Joey would have been 44 on that day.  Hopefully we'll get together with Johnny and his family, maybe meet up at the cemetery.   Probably grill some burgers.  Not a lot of plans which hopefully means a lot of rest.

Linking up here.


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