Friday Five #1

I thought I would switch from Friday Favorites back to the Friday Five.  This isn't technically the first Friday Five I've ever written but I thought it might be a good way for me to keep track of things.  We'll see. 

I haven't done a word of the year in a while.  Last year, I was pretty numb at the beginning of the year and 2018 was full of change and healing and figuring out life (or trying to).  I decided in 2018 that people spend too much time trying to figure out their "purpose" in life and not enough time living it.  Finger pointed directly at myself here.  I don't think it's as complicated as we make it.  Jesus didn't ask us to wait until we had everything figured out before we started living and sharing Him.  He said go, not wait.  I have a tendency to get stuck and shut down, which is why at the end of 2017 my mom told me to keep moving forward.  Man, does she give the best advice.  So I spent 2018 trying to move forward, getting stuck, realizing I was stuck, then trying to move forward.  Let me circle back to the point of number one here, I have been feeling like 2019 needs to be a year of doing more things that bring me joy.  Not for selfish gain, but for the glory of God.   Use more of the gifts/talents that God has given me that bring me joy.  If I am full of joy, I know it's because of Him, and the more likely I am to share His love with others.  I took the 2019 Word of the Year quiz on Dayspring and this was my word.  Appropriate.  #delight

One of the things I love doing is baking.  I decided I'm just going to bake.  I can't eat it all, but I can give it away.  I have a whole list of things I want to bake.  Some are new and challenging and some are old favorites.  First up was a new challenge.  I made a chocolate angel food cake from scratch.  I really liked the cake but not the frosting.  I didn't think it needed all that frosting and there was no sugar in the frosting.   I think this weekend I'm going to try bagels. #bake2019

I'm reading two really good books right now.  One is A Million Little Ways by Emily P. Freeman.  I've only read the first part but I put it down last night and had to tell Matt my favorite parts.  It's about being creative and how that creativity honors and brings glory to God.  A few quotes - "being an artist has something to do with being brave enough to move toward what makes you come alive." "Ephesians 2:10, 'For we are God's masterpiece.  He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.'"  The word masterpiece in the original Greek is poiema, where the word poem comes from.  "What happens when God writes poetry? We do. We happen.  We are walking poetry..."   Wow!  Isn't that something beautiful to think about?  I will definitely go on and on about this book.  

No surprise I've been binge watching The Great British Baking Show and the Baking Show Master Class.  I just love how supportive the bakers are of each other.  I'm still in the seasons with Paul and Mary and they seem to have a great rapport.  Makes for great TV!   

Last weekend was beautiful!  It was warm and sunny. Matt went golfing, so I used that time to go antiquing.  I only bought one thing, but it was so much fun!   That's something I hadn't done in a long time and I really like it.  I see more antiquing in my future.  

Linking up here and here.


  1. I LOVE the Great British Baking Show! Also, I have seen a few other people mention that book, I am going to have to add it to my Good Reads :) Have a great week!

    1. Thanks! It was a great book. Definitely put it on the list.


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