Burlap Rose Wreath

The door needed a new wreath.  I have a bunch of things to decorate the front door for various holidays but not a lot for the spring.   I thought, "I'll just whip something up."  I have been working on this spring door wreath for over a month.  Here's the final project.  

That's not how it started.  It started as a desire to make a burlap ribbon wreath.  You know the kind that's twisty and fluffy?  You see them at craft shows and think, I could make that no problem.  

I found the wire form at Dollar Tree!  They also had some burlap ribbon.  For less than $5 I had all the supplies I would need to make the most awesome wreath you've ever seen.  Or so I thought.  I had to go back to buy four more spools of ribbon.  

No big deal, still less than $10.  I watched tutorials online and got to work.  Here's how it was looking.  

Pretty cute right?  The only problem is that it kept falling out.  The ribbon was too narrow.  Matt even found a bunch of twist ties that he saved for me.  One of the video tutorials used twist ties to secure the ribbon.  It just wasn't working for this project.  So I had to start over.  

I used the old pool noodle trick.  I wrapped the tan colored ribbon around it and then made flowers with the blue colored ribbon. 

I hot glued the burlap flowers and the fake white flowers to one side.  Of course, I burned my finger.  It's really a given with hot glue.  If you don't burn yourself, you haven't done it right.  ðŸ¤£

I like the oval shape.  I love the colors.  But I think it's missing something.  It's maybe too heavy on the right side.  I thought about hanging something in the middle like a big V or a sign that says Welcome or Hello.  What do you think?  What's missing?  Or is it okay?  Regardless, that thing is hanging on the front door right now.  


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