Friday 5!
I'm working on my goals for 2013. One of them is to post more often. It's fun, I enjoy writing about stuff. So, why not? I love this idea of posting 5 things on Friday that happened during the week that I am grateful for or were just so totally awesome they made my day in some way. Here it goes, the first in what I hope/plan to be many posts..... High 5 for Friday!
1. I walked into the house Monday after work and said out loud, to myself, "Why does it smell like soap in here?" I noticed somethign was amiss in the kitchen. It was clean! I knew I had left the coffee maker in a different spot, things looked a little too shiny in the kitchen. I went to let Pickles out and I noticed the living room was sparkling a bit brighter also. The bathroom was the same. I let Pickles outside and stood in the kitchen trying to think of what must have happened. I knew Matt hadn't snuck home, he was without a car. As I was staring at the super clean stainless steel trash can, Matt walked in the door. He had hired a housekeeper for the day! Well done! PS - Why are those stainless steel trash cans so hard to clean? I was ready to throw ours away! That girl is a miracle worker. Thank you, honey!
2. Learning something new. I'm learning how to knit. Mayela and I have crochet down so we decided to take on a new challenge... and knitting is challenging! I have started this scarf over a dozen times now. I have dropped stitches only to have one stitch too many on the next round. How does that happen? I don't get it yet, but I'm working on it.
3. Helping a friend move. I know, moving... ick! But Maggie is moving into her very first place that's all hers. It's very exciting and the place is super cute!
4. Game night! Matt and I had a game night. We turned the TV off and just played cards. It was a close one. He had me by 100 points and 1 phase, but I made a strong comeback to victory!
5. This shirt. It cracks me up every time this student wears it. This student cracks me up every day.
1. I walked into the house Monday after work and said out loud, to myself, "Why does it smell like soap in here?" I noticed somethign was amiss in the kitchen. It was clean! I knew I had left the coffee maker in a different spot, things looked a little too shiny in the kitchen. I went to let Pickles out and I noticed the living room was sparkling a bit brighter also. The bathroom was the same. I let Pickles outside and stood in the kitchen trying to think of what must have happened. I knew Matt hadn't snuck home, he was without a car. As I was staring at the super clean stainless steel trash can, Matt walked in the door. He had hired a housekeeper for the day! Well done! PS - Why are those stainless steel trash cans so hard to clean? I was ready to throw ours away! That girl is a miracle worker. Thank you, honey!
2. Learning something new. I'm learning how to knit. Mayela and I have crochet down so we decided to take on a new challenge... and knitting is challenging! I have started this scarf over a dozen times now. I have dropped stitches only to have one stitch too many on the next round. How does that happen? I don't get it yet, but I'm working on it.
3. Helping a friend move. I know, moving... ick! But Maggie is moving into her very first place that's all hers. It's very exciting and the place is super cute!
4. Game night! Matt and I had a game night. We turned the TV off and just played cards. It was a close one. He had me by 100 points and 1 phase, but I made a strong comeback to victory!
5. This shirt. It cracks me up every time this student wears it. This student cracks me up every day.

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