Made by Me: Crochet Golf Club Covers

Last year, in an "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" effort, I told Matt I wanted some golf clubs.  Some used, cheap clubs.  Just enough to learn and play a bit. 

I took them for a spin in Colorado last summer.  I played from the junior tees and still managed to get the high score.  Honestly, didn't even keep my score. 

I had one free lesson last year.  As soon as lessons open up, I'm signing up. 

Around the holidays I was looking for a small crochet project I could take on a plane or a road trip and I found a pattern for golf club covers.  If I'm going to golf I may as well have cute covers!

I'm pretty crazy about the pom poms!

I can't wait until we can get out and take some lessons.  


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