Friday 5

Matt and I went out for my friend, Becky's birthday.  It's been a while since we've gotten all cleaned up and went out on the town. 

Looking forward to the Vaughan family vacation next week. 

I've been reading a Psalm's devotional.  We are doing a Psalms series at church so I thought I'd get a head start.  After this I am going to start a whole Bible reading plan.  If you have the Bible app on your phone it's an easy way to read. 

I heard about this online consignment store called Thred Up recently. 

Here's how it works: 
You request a Thred Up bag.  They will mail you a cute polka dot bag that you can fill with your gently used clothing.  Once it is full you mail it back to them.
Then they will go through the bag and decided what they want to keep and email you how much they will pay you for it.  The rest of the stuff is donated.
You can cash out or use the money to purchase items.

I used my money.  I've sent in two bag and had $17 in credit.  I purchased a summer sweater, a vest, and a skirt.  Because it was my first time buying I had a 40% off code.  So my total purchase was $1.54. 

Matt and I made these breakfast cookies this week.  We added chocolate chips instead of coconut.  They were easy and yummy!

I swore I would not download another social media app.  Definitely not Snapchat.  Well, I caved.  I'm still not sure how to use it.  There is a way you can post videos and images but you don't know if anyone sees them.  Which I guess is good.  Snapchat used to have a reputation but the people I follow (which is like 5 people) use it as extensions of their food and lifestyle blogs.  Plus they have these hilarious filters!  You can entertain yourself for minutes with those filters.  Case in point below.


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