Friday Five #15

We had Matt's sister's middle two kids over Saturday night.  They love to get out in nature and Pickles.  So we took a hike and Pickles got a lot of love.


Speaking of hikes, we went to Martha Lafitte Thompson Nature Sanctuary after church on Sunday.  None of us had every been there.  It was awesome!  There are two good hiking places just 5 minutes from our house.


We celebrated our one year anniversary with our new database at work.  Of course, I planned some fun. My coworker made peanut butter pretzel balls, I made cookies, and a quiz.  I had prizes for the top three winners.  It was a fun day!  Speaking of our new database, the company asked me to speak at the national user group conference on a panel.  The panel is me and another person talking about how to get our staff on board.  Fun!

I needed some new slippers so I bought some summer slippers.  They are super comfy!


I'm looking forward to a fun day today.  I get to hang out with my baby brother and his girls.  Their preschool is closed for Good Friday.  Tonight, Matt and I will go to church.  Sunday we are having both of our families over.  I'm making ham, my french silk pie, and a vanilla layer cake that I'm going to attempt to decorate cutely for the holiday.  It could be 6 adults and 3 kids, 8 adults and 3 kids, or 10 adults and 7 kids.  I'm ready for it all and not stressing over the unknown.  Because if it's option 1, that's more ham and cake for me.  :)   If it's option 3, I'll have cake and pie.  Better buy a bottle of wine.  HA!


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