What's Up Wednesday? February 2017
It's Wednesday so I'm linking up with the What's up Wednesday ladies!
What we're eating this week?
I have made a couple new things already this week. I made a Winter Bowl with roasted carrots, cauliflower, and onion. Next were some sweet potato falafel. All served over some cabbage and kale. Super good! I also made deconstructed cabbage rolls. It was just okay.
What I'm reminiscing about?
Pickles was so cute at the nature park last weekend. She was in her element! Jumping over logs, climbing inside logs, going down to the creek.
What I'm loving?
I think last month I was loving this crazy weather. But I still am! It's been in the 70s for almost a week! There may be something to this global warming thing.
What we've been up to?
We went to the golf show last weekend as well. We have been planning and researching Matt's 40th birthday golf trip. The things I do for my man! We got some good information on some places close enough to drive to but still be a nice get away for Matt's birthday.
Matt hit 3 out of 5 targets and won all kinds of free golf! He's a good golfer!
What I'm dreading?
I have an appointment with the podiatrist on Friday. I have put this appointment off because I thought it would cost too much. But my foot still hurts. I rest for a while and then feel good. Then I work out and get active and it hurts. Time to get it taken care of.
What I'm working on?
I've been getting up with Matt at 6am this year. I love it! I read my Bible plan and then do a little workout. It depends on my time but I workout between 10 and 30 minutes most mornings.
What I'm excited about?
I got a part time job at ETCH on the Liberty Square. I love their stuff! I'm going to try not to spend my entire paycheck there. I'll pretty much only work on Fridays but can pick up shifts on Saturday and special occasions as well. I'm looking forward to it!
What I'm reading?
Without Rival by Lisa Bevere. It's a good book and an easyish read. Which I need after spending so much time reading this...
Perspectives Reader and the Study Guide

What I'm listening to?
Bryan and Katie Torwalt on Spotify. Here's a favorite:
What I'm wearing?
My wardrobe is so confused! Do I wear sweaters? Capri pants? I've settled on layers. Cardigans over short sleeves and flats with no socks. It's spring in February!
What I'm doing this weekend?
No weekend plans at all! I love it!
What I'm looking forward to next month?
Jackson turns 5 next month. Mom and Dad are coming up for his party and I can't wait! I hate to wish away time but I hope March goes as fast as February!
What else is new?
I figured out how the table is constantly covered with dog hair. This doesn't show the time I caught her all four paws on the table and when I told her to get off she jumped off and then right back on the table then right back off. This dog!
Bonus: What is one beauty product I can't live without?
My mom gave me this YBF neutralizing concealer about a year ago. It really is the best stuff ever! It covers the dark circles and redness. It works on all skin tones and is so creamy. I loved it and when I ran out I asked Mom where she got it. Apparently, it's a buy online or Home Shopping Network thing. It was out for a long time. When it came back she ordered 4. 2 for me and 2 for her.

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