High Five for Friday
1. Pickles had her second birthday on March 21. I’ll post more about her fun day later. She’s so spoiled and such a joy!
2. Jackson turned one on March 24. Look at that cake. It was delicious!! I’m so glad that wasn’t at my house. I would have eaten the whole thing.
3. See those people in the background? Mom and Dad were in town for Jack’s birthday! No on takes pictures of the grown ups anymore. How can we with such cute babies in the family?
4. See what I mean? Look at that face! The perfect combination of Johnny and Sonia. He loved his cake.
5. Uncle Matt is good with his nephews, niece, and our little cousin, Nora. Nora turned two on March 22!
6. Bonus! Maggie brought me a diet dr. pepper on Thursday after I had a rough couple days at work. She said if you think of it as liquid, ice, cup, and straw it’s less than 5 ingredients. I so needed that pick me up!

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