Mini Cookie Cups Have Changed My Life
I always loved those blossom cookies my mom used to make. You know the ones with the sugar cookie or peanut butter cookie baked and then you stick a Hershey's kiss in the middle when they come out of the oven. Yummy! But sometimes there was too high of a cookie to candy ratio for me. Then I read a post on kevinandamanda about using mini muffin tins. GENIUS!!
That got my wheels turning. I just happened to have all the ingredients for my favorite sugar cookies and a bag of these. Pumpkin Spice Kisses. I bought them at the beginning of fall. You can never find the tasty seasonal Kisses in the middle of the season so I quickly snatched up two bags. But I didn't really love them so they had been in the cabinet for a while. Basically, you make your sugar cookie dough and place it in your mini muffin tin. When they cookies come out you stick a Kiss in the middle. Let it cool for a bit in the pan then let them cool on a wire rack. I sprinkled them with some cinnamon sugar and they were a hit!
These cookies got me through the fall season! I took them everywhere, made them for every get together. I played around with the method and the ingredients. Delicious!
First, use a sugar cookie mix. Trust me, no one could tell the difference. I even used the off off brand version and still had rave reviews.
While the mini muffin cookies are baking unwrap those Kisses and get them ready to go. You will want to stick them in the cookies as soon as they come out. Don't wait too long.
Mmmm!!! They look so good you will want to pull one out and eat it right away. Unless you like molten liquid Kisses I highly recommend not doing that. But to each his own. Let them cool for at least 3 minutes, 5 is better. Carefully remove them from the pan to cool on a wire rack or if you are like me and don't want to have to wash one more thing just let them cool on the counter.
That got my wheels turning. I just happened to have all the ingredients for my favorite sugar cookies and a bag of these. Pumpkin Spice Kisses. I bought them at the beginning of fall. You can never find the tasty seasonal Kisses in the middle of the season so I quickly snatched up two bags. But I didn't really love them so they had been in the cabinet for a while. Basically, you make your sugar cookie dough and place it in your mini muffin tin. When they cookies come out you stick a Kiss in the middle. Let it cool for a bit in the pan then let them cool on a wire rack. I sprinkled them with some cinnamon sugar and they were a hit!
These cookies got me through the fall season! I took them everywhere, made them for every get together. I played around with the method and the ingredients. Delicious!
First, use a sugar cookie mix. Trust me, no one could tell the difference. I even used the off off brand version and still had rave reviews.
Next, roll the dough into a ball before you put it in the muffin tin. They are even better if you roll the dough in the cinnamon sugar instead of sprinkling it on at the end. I preheated the oven to the temperature the package suggested, 350 degrees. They baked for longer than the recipe or package dictates. I set the timer for 11 minutes and kept an eye on them.
Mmmm!!! They look so good you will want to pull one out and eat it right away. Unless you like molten liquid Kisses I highly recommend not doing that. But to each his own. Let them cool for at least 3 minutes, 5 is better. Carefully remove them from the pan to cool on a wire rack or if you are like me and don't want to have to wash one more thing just let them cool on the counter.
Delicious! I can't wait to try this out with some chocolate cookie dough and Peppermint Hershey's Kisses. 
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