High Five for Friday

No pictures this week!  What's wrong with me?  LOL!

1.  Two more snow days!  What can I say?  I'm as bad as the kids are!!

2.  On Wednesday, I went to see Maroon 5 with Maggie, Kim, and Kim's friend Jennifer.  It was a great time!  I might have been the only one there that didn't go in thinking the lead singer was smokin' hot.  But he's a great performer and I totally get it now!

3.  Coffee and tea.  Today is our first day of no highly processed foods.  As I feared, the thing I want most is a Diet Dr. Pepper.  Hooray for coffee and tea to provide me with my much needed caffeine.

4. Technology free time.  Matt and I sometimes get so wrapped up in reading blogs, articles, playing games, checking Facebook, checking Pinterest, etc. that we realized there were nights we hardly talked to each other!  Now we make sure we spend time actually hanging out without a computer in our lap or phone in our hand.

5.  I have 3 interviews next week!!!  Say some prayers for me on Monday and Thursday.  One is for Early Childhood Special Education and the other two are for prekindergarten in my school district.  Honestly, I would be ecstatic to work for any of the people I am interviewing with.  All three schools are great, with great people that would be my coworkers.  This time in resource, as I've said before, has really shown me that I belong in a classroom.



  1. Hello! Just stopping by from the High Five Link Up...Maroon 5 - so jelouse! I love Adam ;)

    Best of luck with the intervies and have a good weekend!

    Lindsey @ tinyinklings.blogspot.ca


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