Friday High Five!

TGIF!!  Here are my top 5 awesome things in no particular order.

1.  Every post needs a picture of Pickles I think.  
2.  Check out that ice cream maker.  Hello Kitty!  I am so close to buying it.  It's on clearance so I may have missed my chance.  But just seeing that made me smile.  
3.  Coffee in my St. Patrick's Day mug.  Coffee is so much tastier in a seasonal mug.  
4.  See that snow?  See those circles in the snow?  Those are hyacinths peeking through.  Spring is almost here friends!
5.  Speaking of Spring, as of 3:45 today I am on Spring Break!!!  
6.  My interview went really well on Monday.  Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.  It worked because I got the job.  I'll post more about my new job later.  But I am super excited for next school year!!



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