High Five for Friday! May 23

This has been a pretty great week. 

1.  Matt's birthday was on Saturday and I made him these chocolate peanut butter cupcakes. Best part is they only made two!  I'll share the recipe soon. 

2.  Keeping in the delicious food category. I made a tasty salad for dinner on Tuesday. No recipe just chop everything up an throw it in a bowl. It had lettuce, spinach, strawberries, green onion, chicken, goat cheese, and pecans. The dressing was a squeeze of lemon, olive oil salt, and pepper. Delish!

3.  Our peonies are gorgeous this year!  My pink ones are finally coming in big after being transplanted a couple years ago. 

4.  I was standing in line at Walmart and this cute old man in overalls turned and said hello. Then asked if I had ever seen a million dollar bill.  I said no. He pulled this out of his wallet and said, "here this is for you.  Don't forget you are one in a million."  Then he said to make sure my husband knows I'm his million dollar babe.  What's even cuter is that he had a stack of them in his wallet.  

5.  I got to hold a another brand new baby today!  Remember the friend I made the puppy hat for?  Well, Jennifer's little boy decided to come a little early. In fact she missed the baby shower we threw for her and Jenni because she went to the hospital that night!  They named him Avery Brandon and he was born on their 10th wedding anniversary. Pretty awesome!  His stats are pretty much the same as Evalyn. 


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