High Five for Friday
I have to start with a picture of sweet Pickles. She never curls up in a blanket so I had to get this on camera! A little blurry but cute.
Here are my top fives. It's been a while!!
1. I heard from the district about my request for resignation. The assistant superintendent accepted my resignation and will present it to the board. So far they aren't going to go after my teacher certification. I guess the board could always say no way and appeal to the state to revoke my certificate. But so far so good. Perhaps my willingness to give it up helped.
2. These brownies are too die for!
3. Lysa Terkeurst posted this picture on her instagram account the other day. Goosebumps every single time I read it!
4. Matt and I had lunch with some sweet friends on Saturday (hi Mayela!) and had the best time. Matt left saying, "Do you really think they would let us watch their boys sometime? Tell Mayela they need a date night and we will hang out with the boys."
5. I'm loving my crock pot lately. Today I cooked some white beans to make White Chicken Chili with them for dinner. It's old, dented, and the white pot is stained but it works great. Maybe Santa will bring me a new one with a black pot and a timer.

Crock pots are so awesome for cooking! Mine sure gets a lot of use! Actually I'm on my 2nd crockpot in 3 years because the first one sadly got cracked....