High five for Friday!!
1. I started my week babysitting this little guy. Jackson loves avocado and macaroni and cheese. He ate more for lunch than I did! I spent the whole day with him on Sunday. What a blessing!!
2. Matt and I splurged and purchased real slipcovers for our couches. We are really over the dark red and the drop cloth covers were getting ratty. We love them. They are so soft and cozy. They really make the house look less like a frat house and more like a home. I see a pillow sewing project in my future.
3. Matt and I finally found a church we both love, Liberty Christian Fellowship. We went the first weekend of March. We love it! We just joined a small group. The ladies met this week so I went. It was great, they were so nice, and I just felt like I had been a part of that group forever. Yay!
4. One of my students has been asking me to go to his soccer game all spring. Usually, he would ask me as he was leaving and was never sure what time or where they were playing. Well, this week he knew exactly what time and where to go. He asked me on Monday to go to his game on Thursday. I had to go,so I brought Pickles. She was less than thrilled at first. I had to pry her out of the car. Right before the picture she had half of her body under the seat.
5. Matt and I are going to the Royals' game tonight. I can't wait. I even got a new Royals shirt from Old Navy.

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