Update on some of my 2012 goals

I feel like I have been so busy lately!  I mean, where did February go?  I thought I would look back at my goals for 2012 and see how I am doing. 

1.  Matt and I have been working out and trying to eat healthy like normal.  I’ve lost a couple pounds.  Nothing to brag about.

IMG_0941Pickles is worn out after we took her on a two mile walk!

IMG_0934Yep, I am drinking hot tea.  Hot tea!  I sent this picture to my mom.  She replied, “Who are you and what have you done with my daughter?”  I have started every day for the last 15 years (at least) with a “cold drink.”  I gave up pop for Lent and it has been really great hard.  I really was addicted to pop.  I drank a lot of tea the first few days but now I am fine if I don’t have a caffeine fix.  I haven’t had caffeine four days and I feel good.

2. Check out how great my husband is!  Matt got tired of seeing the boring ugly wall and took matters into his own hands.  I am a lucky girl!  He did a great job!  DSCN5265

3.  Matt’s grandma gave me her sewing machine this weekend.  It’s a nice old one with a table that it folds down into.  I can’t wait to figure it out.

4.  Now I have a new sewing machine to figure out!  Yay!!

5. Still working on it.

6.  This is a picture of me with my new nephew, Walker, and Sawyer.  Oakley was busy getting toys for Walker to play with to pose for pictures.  She and Sawyer are getting so big!  I just love those kids!  I can’t wait to meet little Jackson, coming soon.  IMG_0844

7.  This reminds me I need to go shopping for some new spring shoes.  Sorry, honey!

8.  Who has time to knit when I have so many crochet projects to finish up or begin?  I made this for Jackson. 

DSCN5254  I struggled to decide on a pattern for Jackson.  I changed my mind a dozen times.  Then I decided to use the first pattern that our grandma taught me, the shell pattern.  It has so much more meaning that way.  I even picked a yarn that I thought Grandma would have loved.  I’ll have to do another post just of my projects very soon. 

9.  2012-03-061

10.  Still nothing to report here.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.


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