Hello Monday! Happy Labor Day!
What a weekend! I painted the front door the same color as the shutters, a chocolate brown. It was pretty close the original color so only two quick coats and I was done.
We ended up buying a new car Friday night! We love it!
On Saturday I finished a crochet project and baked a mini angel food cake. Then we got an impromptu invite to 3 Halves Brewery. I tried a new one called the Drunkle (their version of a Dunkel) and the Pontoon Pounder (a grapefruit lemonade radler). Both yummy! It was a warm afternoon - perfect to sit on the patio with friends.
Sunday was a bittersweet day. It would have been Joey's 44th birthday. I put together a fall bouquet and got some other fun things to decorate his grave. It's just so hard to believe he's not here with us. I miss my little brother every day but these days really get me.
After the cemetery we ran a quick errand to Costco to get dog food. I took a nap and read a little. Then we headed to my baby 🤣 brother's house. We had dinner and angel food cake with buttercream in honor of Joe's birthday. Then went to a bull riding for veteran's event in the little town next to them.

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