Hello Monday! 9.14.20
Hello Monday... on Tuesday! I forgot to hit publish yesterday. 🤣
We had the most beautiful weather this weekend! The kind where you have to open all the windows and let the fresh air in. It was rainy and cool all last week so the 70/80 degree sunshine has been amazing!
It was fun to watch our Chiefs win on Thursday night! I had the day off (as usual) and no plans on Friday so I slept in. I made the cinnamon bread from Magnolia Table cookbook. It was so good!
I did my usual cleaning and grocery shopping on Friday as well. I finally got to this plant that was getting out of control. Check out how long the vines were!
I cut it back and planted the cut offs into a couple new planters. I also got some mums at Aldi. They were $3.29 so I picked up three. I didn't have high hopes at that price but they are looking great so far! I picked up two orange for the front and one purple for the back.
I got a special request for some matching scrunchies for pigtails from my SIL. I had been wanting to sew something and that was perfect timing! Clover about wiped me out of scrunchies this summer and Oakley loved the small ones I made. Jill said they all have been using them. Since we were seeing them that night I was able to make some and deliver them that night. We had a great time at dinner with them, Matt's parents, and his aunt and cousin who were in town.
Saturday I put out some of our fall decor.
I pulled out all the fall candles and got a few new pumpkins scents from Aldi. They have the best candles. If I see them, I grab them.
This is one of the philodendrons I transplanted. I was watching college football. I could normally care less about college football but watching live sports is kind of fun. Matt was even golfing, so it was all me with the college football. Ha! He had a great day on the course, BTW.
I wanted to add a few more cute fall things and went to Target. They had nothing, it didn't even look like they had put it out yet. They had Halloween candy but that's all. I'm looking for more cute pumpkins.
Can you tell I had my hair braided? I slept with those braids and woke up with the prettiest curls.
I had to work at two services at church this weekend. We are filling up to max COVID capacity so I went in to help at the early service. We typically only need one person at the door then but we needed two today. It's a good thing! After church Matt and I went to Lowe's to buy a real screen door for the back door. We had the magnetic screen which worked fine but it's time for the real deal. We need to trim a bit off the edges and then we'll be ready to hang it.

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