Friday Favorites - 8.21.20

I'm currently on the couch with a bum back.  Annoying!  I had plans for a few adventures this weekend but that's okay.  I finished a crochet project and am dreaming up what's next using what I already have at home.  

1.  My first Friday Favorite is virtual medicine.  Have you done a virtual doctor's visit?  It's the best!  I came home from work yesterday and my back was aching pretty badly.  It started last week 💥(TMI alert)💥 with my monthly cycle.  Not unusual then but unusual to still be happening.  I probably over did it and exasperated things.  Anyway, the usual tricks weren't helping so I called the doctor.  Mine is out of the office until Monday and I really didn't want to wait so I did a virtual visit with another doctor.  So great!  I didn't have to leave home, he had my chart right in front of him to see how this had been treated in the past, and I felt like he was good at listening and asking good questions.  

2.  Okay on to more fun stuff!  Look what I made!   A skirt!  With pockets!  My mirror selfie game is weak but it was super simple.  I found about a yard of this stretch knit floral for just a few dollars in the remnants bin.  I had some elastic so I made a simple skirt with pockets.  I had enough to make a couple matching scrunchies.  There may be enough for a headband or bow for a hair tie.  Yay!

3.  The hummingbirds are back!  Look at this guy just hanging out there.  They are so fun to watch.  

4.  Pickles has started laying on top of our couch.  I took this when she was waiting for Matt to get home.  

5.  I have found some good YouTube sewing accounts.  I love watching and learning.  It's like taking a class for free.  Brittany J Jones and Rosery Apparel are my favorites for clothing.  Melanie Ham and Made Everyday are my favorites for crafty stuff and sewing machine tutorials.      

Follow up:  These fruit fly traps have worked!  When I first put the apples out there was a swarm!  It was so gross.  I couldn't even cook dinner without having Matt help me swat the flies away.  But they have dissipated and it's not so bad.  

Linking up with Friday Favorites.


  1. Sorry to hear about your back! I had a virtual doctor visit back in February; I kind of liked not having to leave the house for it too.


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