Monthly Musings: Summer Travel

I found this fun question and answer style link up today after my What's Up Wednesday post and thought it sounded like a fun one!  I'll link up with this one from Holly and up my blog count from once this summer to twice!  What?!?!?

1.  Top five items I pack on vacation:
Comfy clothes
Good shoes

2.  Packing Cubes?  Not for me.  I can see why they'd be great for certain trips but I don't have any.  If I ever get to travel internationally again I think packing cubes would be really good for then.

3.  Do I prefer warm or cold destinations?  The warmer the better!

We went to Mexico in January a couple years ago.  It was so nice to be warm in January!
4. Favorite vacation location of all time?  The beach!  Always and forever.

5.  Staycation Tips:
Explore your area. We took a day trip to Marceline, Mo where Walt Disney was raised.  It was less than 2 hours to get there and we had a great time!

Visit your local farmer's market and buy things you normally wouldn't buy.  Our City Market in downtown KC is great!

Hiking a new trail is a fun way to get out and about.  I bet there are a ton of trails locally I've never even heard of.

Spend time with family, they are always worth it.

Lastly, don't forget your face mask!  😷😷😷

6. Camping, Glamping, or no?  If glamping means I have a bed and air conditioning to sleep in then yes!  The last time I tried camping as an adult I ended up getting a room at a B&B and left my brothers and friends to sweat it out. 

7.  How many states have I been to?  22.  I only counted states I've actually been to not ones I had a layover or driven through but didn't stop and stay.  I'm impressed with that number! 

8.  Ever traveled by RV?  Nope, but I would love to give it a try sometime.

9.  Most random place I've been?  Valentine, Nebraska and Niobrara, Nebraska.  This isn't super random for someone married to a golfer but for others I bet it is. 

10.  What is the first place I'm traveling once restrictions are lifted?  FLORIDA!!! To see my mom and dad!  I miss them like crazy.  We've all kind of resolved ourselves to the fact that we may not be together in 2020.  I'm praying like crazy that we can make it happen.  We planned to drive there for my birthday this year.  Super sad about it all but Missouri is a hot zone, Florida is a hot zone, and so are all the states in between.  It could be done safely I suppose.  But we decided not to.  #wearamaskplease

How cute are these two?


  1. We like to visit warm places particularly in winter to get away from the snow and ice.

  2. Totally all about the warm places too- give me the beach! Thanks for linking up :)

  3. I hope you get to Florida to see your parents soon. We decided to take a chance and fly to visit my parents since they live so far away.

  4. Marceline, MO looks like such a cool place! Thanks for linking up with Holly and me and hope you will join us again next month. We give new themed questions the last week of every month and the link up is always the last Thursday of the month.


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