Friday Favorites

It's been one of those fast/slow weeks.  Like how is it already Friday?  Plus, it took forever to get here. We have been watching some Winter Olympics but not all of them.  Valentine's Day we stayed in and made lasagna and watched a moving on Netflix.  We've had lasagna every year on Valentine's Day for 8 years now.  💕

Here are some of my other favorite things.

1.  Pickles hangs out with me in the mornings while I do my Bible study.  Sometimes she even cuddles with me.  PS - putting that 2017 temperature blanket to good use on these cold mornings.

2.  My valentine, of course!  We didn't do gifts this year.  We usually do a little something on Valentine's Day but this year we booked appointments for a massage next week.  

3.  Thursday morning was in the low 60s so I took advantage of that, knowing it would be half that temperature on Friday, and took Sweet Pickles for a morning walk.  I had to change clothes because I overdressed.  It was delightfully humid (as opposed to oppressively).  

4.  Speaking of Bible study, our church is going through the book of Romans this year.  It has been really good as we work through what it looks like to be a devoted follower of Jesus Christ.  

Our small group has a study guide we are going through, but it's more of a question and answer type thing lacking in education.  For my personal study I am starting with the First 5 app and went back to an older plan on Romans and Corinthians.  I also adore Corinthians.  Paul's apparently my favorite apostle.  😀

Anywhoo, this is a great app!  It can take 5 minutes or less to read the verse/chapter and the commentary.  You can take longer and read the More Moments section and answer the question.    I forgot how much I liked First 5.

5.  We have a lot of wall space in our new home.  I'm all for open space and I really want to paint every wall but I'm digging this command center.  We have just the perfect spot on our wall in the kitchen/dining area.  It's super cute and if you click that link she gives some good ideas on how to create your own.  We have many of the pieces already.  Just need maybe a cork board and the white board.  Not sure about the wall baskets.  I'm afraid that since the wall is part of a main pass through those would get knocked down.  Or for real - that  I would run into them 5 times a day.   

We may do a chalkboard similar to the one below.  It's from Ikea.  We liked that it has space for meal planning or appointments on each day but we didn't like the images.  Also, it was pretty flimsy.

6.  I may have saved the best for last!  My parents sent us a new coffee maker for a house warming.  This thing is awesome!  It has a timer!  It turns itself off!  We can make enough coffee to serve an army at once!  It's really great!!

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