Snow Ice Cream gift
Did you know you can make ice cream with snow? This is a fun recipe card I made for our three year old nephew. I gave him the card with a can of sweetened condensed milk and a jar of sprinkles. I wasn't quick enough to send a snow ice cream package to our other nephews and niece. But it ended up being okay.
We were supposed to get 3-6 inches of snow. Then they changed it to 1-3 inches. We were on the low end, so not nearly enough for snow ice cream. That's why there are no adorable photos of Jackson eating his ice cream. Bummer!
It's super easy and fun. Before the snow storm put out a bowl to collect the snow. You want the fresh stuff, not the touched the ground stuff. A bowl just makes sure your snow hasn't touched the ground or been walked on. Then mix your snow with the sweetened condensed milk, sprinkles, and extract.
Hopefully, we won't have the chance to make snow ice cream in Kansas City until next year. Last weekend was snowing and this weekend was in the upper 60s. I'd like this warm weather to continue. I'll just save this idea for next year.

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