Friday Five!
1. What a week! Keep praying for Matt and me and our desire to start a family. We had a great appointment with the fertility doctor. We are super optimistic while still being realistic. It's pretty exciting stuff!
2. When we came home from Memphis last week we stopped at Mammoth Springs State Park on the Arkansas/Missouri border. We had a picnic and walked around the springs. It was a good chance to stretch our legs and let Pickles run around a bit. It was worth the stop! Next time I want to rent a paddle boat or kayak.
3. I worked Vacation Bible School this week. It was a lot of fun. It was a great way to get to know some new people in the church. I worked the preschool/preK games outside. I am excited to work with preschoolers next school year!
4. Yesterday I came home from VBS exhausted. I tried to keep busy and not nap, afraid it would ruin my sleep at night. But I crashed at 2:00. I woke up at 2:30 to find Pickles sitting on Matt's pillow staring at me. She licked my lips and curled up next to me. We slept until 4:45 like that. If you know Pickles you know she's not a snuggler. When she sleeps she wants to sleep in her kennel by herself. So this was amazing! When I woke up I grabbed my iPad and snapped a couple pictures. No one would ever believe that Pickles slept right next to me.
5. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. I am a very happy girl. Last night we had a date night to go see the movie "The Heat." It was hilarious! I laughed hysterically in some parts.

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