What I Read in May 2018
1. Radical: Taking Back your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt
I liked this book. I think it's one of those books that every Christ follower should at least read. With that said, it wasn't my favorite. It may be because I'm coming off of 3 years of Perspectives and read a lot of literature around the same concept. I like David Platt a lot as a pastor. I like Secret Church. I will read more of his books in the future.
2. Next up was a book I mentioned in a WUW post.
How Not to Die Cookbook by Michael Greger
I was hoping to find some new plant based recipes. I didn't find anything new to me. Personally, this one was a dud. Probably a great book for people who are looking to make the switch to a plant based lifestyle. I think I've found that 100% plant based isn't for me. I like eating some meals plant based, but I also like dairy and meat.
3. The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman
I listened to this one and found it very interesting. It was the account of the Zabinski family that owned the Warsaw Zoo during WWII. They used the zoo to hide Jewish people from the Nazis. I really liked this one. If you are interested in WWII give it a read. It's no secret I have a fondness for WWII historical fiction. This was more historic than fictional but told like it's a novel with bits taken from history and personal journals and interviews.
4. My sister-in-law loaned me the last book. They went to The Merc and the lodge for spring break.
The Pioneer Woman: Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond - I'm a sucker for a good love story. I knew quite a bit of this story because I have read her blog for a while but there was quite a bit of new details. A light and easy read to start off summer. Now I need to get Matt to take me to visit!
What have you been reading lately? Anything I should add to my Goodreads want to read list?
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