Friday Favorites - Flower Edition
I love peonies! How do you say peonies? I have always pronounced it pee-OH-nees. Emphasis on the long O sound. But lately I've heard a lot of people say PEE-uh-nees, emphasis on the pee. The first time I wondered what they were talking about. I'd say it's a regional thing but we're all in the same city. My mom says pee-OH-nees, so did my grandma and great aunt so that's the right way. 🤣
Check out these hot pink beauties! They fittingly bloomed on Mother's Day. A tough day for me, but God showed me His kindness by opening these blooms that I have been watching for a month.
I had 3 peony plants at our old house. They had been scattered around the yard when I moved in and I moved them all to the side of the house. They were my favorite every year. When we moved it was a bad time. I thought about finding the roots and bringing some with me. Honestly, I didn't have the energy to do it. After our miscarriage in early December I was lucky to get the house packed up. It was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other and get out of bed.
I had no idea what would grow here. We decided to just let things grow and see what we had. The back of the house had a bunch of dead stalks. I didn't have high hopes.
Imagine my surprise and joy when I saw the tell tale peony sprouts. I waited and waited. Now our backyard is full of pink peonies - hot pink, light pink, pale pink, and two undetermined. Each plant with dozens of flowers. I keep cutting them and bringing them in. I sent a bouquet to Matt's work, gave some to my mother-in-law. I'll take some to work next week.
Excuse the glare in the photos below and the reflection of my phone, but this is a view outside my bedroom window! This is what I wake up to. What a joy!
Tip: Peonies need ants to help them open. Don't treat the outside of your home for ants, I know from experience. After cutting, hold them near the bloom and give them a good shake. Fill a bucket with cool water and one drop of dish washing liquid. Submerge your cuttings in the water and swish them around. I lay them out on a table outside to dry while I gather my vases and jugs to arrange them. Save the leaves to add to your arrangement, they are really pretty too. Which is great because once the plants are done blooming you'll have some pretty green bushes. We just mow them down in the fall and wait for the next spring.
Linking with Friday Favorites and Friday Loves
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