What I Read in June

Here's my June book review.  I read a good one, an okay one, and one that was hard for me to agree with.  I'll start with the hard one.

1.  The New Atkins Diet Cookbook - I was looking for some new ideas for low carb meals.  Sadly, I didn't find anything new.  A lot of the recipes recommended using artificial sweeteners and ingredients I'm not a fan of.  So this one wasn't a win for me.  

On to the okay one.

2.  Paper Hearts by Courtney Walsh is a very cute story.  It's a predictable love story.  Probably a better beach/pool read.  This isn't my general genre so it took me some time to get into this one.  The characters are sweet and endearing.  It's the beginning of a trio of books about this town.  If the second book was solely about the main characters I would pick it up to see what's going on in their lives.  It looks like the second one is about another set of characters.  If you are looking for a light read with a sweet love story that has a happy ending this is for you.  

Now the good one.

3.  The Turquoise Table by Kristin Schell is a great story about hospitality.  A gift I'm always trying to improve on.  The author tells the tale of putting a turquoise picnic table in her front yard, near the street, and how she built a community of front yard people and meaningful connections with the people in her neighborhood.  This was encouraging for me.  I don't really know any of my neighbors other than by first name and to say hi to.  I've never been in any of my neighbors homes.  True, we don't want to live here much longer but it would be nice to know our neighbors.  We had a driveway party recently and it was so much fun.  This book goes with my theme of celebrating this year.  


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