Currently: December 17, 2016

Gosh, it's been a while since I've done a currently post.

Time:  5:01 pm

Date: Saturday, December 17, 2016

Weather:  It's a winter wonderland here.  My least favorite kind.  It was icy last night and now it's snowing.  I'll just take snow thanks.  I like snow, it's so pretty.  Ice is only good in a cold drink.

 Watching: The snow fall out the front window and the weather on our fancy new TV.

Listening:  To the weather reporters talk about how we are getting ready for an inch of snow and how tomorrow the actual temperature is going to be -9.  Not the windchill, the temperature.  Yikes!

Eating:  Not pizza, because they aren't delivering.  See above weather, watching, and listening.  Matt is at a friend's house for his 40th birthday extravaganza.  He left early and made it just fine.  But that means I can have popcorn for dinner if I want.  Woo hoo!  

Drinking:  Coffee and coca cola.  Not together.  LOL!

Wearing:  Fuzzy socks, sweats, t-shirt, and my scrappy poncho.  

Reading:  Oh my!  The book I am reading is a good one.  I am on the launch team for Rebekah Lyons new book, You Are Free, and it's so good!  You can preorder a copy now.  I'll share more about it in another post.  

Smelling:  This Mistletoe candle from Yankee Candles.  Perfect!

Laughing:  I had my work Christmas party last night.  We had a great time.  Lots of laughter and love.   I was reminded how grateful I am to work with such an amazing team of people.  They are humble, servants, God loving, and desire for their work to point others to our Savior.  I don't make as much money as I used to or have the benefits I used to but what I do have is priceless.  

Wanting:  Plane tickets to Florida?

Loving:  Our little Christmas tree.  It's a sweet little tree, just right for our little house.  Matt and I put it up and decorated it together this year and that is the best.

Needing:  A new dryer.  Not only is our clothes dryer dead, they don't make parts for it anymore.  The technician dated it back to at least the late 80s, possibly mid 80s.  The color and fake wood paneling was a dead giveaway.  I guess it had a good run.  We have to replace with gas because that's what our house is set up for.  We found a few online but given the weather, we weren't able to get one.  So, I continue to live like a pioneer and line dry all our things.

Crocheting:  I have plans!  Tonight, I think I'll work on some boot cuffs.  Coming up - pillow covers for January and a temperature blanket for 2016.  More information to come.  I'm excited.

Baking:  Since I'm not going anywhere tonight, I am going to bake some cookies.  Mixed chip to use up all the miscellaneous chips I have.  

End Time:  5:19 pm


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