What's Up Wednesday - August 31, 2016

It's the last Wednesday of the month!  I love that August is not such a dreaded, long, hard month now that I'm out of the classroom.  I really enjoy August and the hot Midwest days.  The weather is creeping towards fall but still clearly summer.  Plus, it's my birthday month and I don't even mind working on my birthday anymore. 

I'm linking up with the What's Up Wednesday party again.  Here we go!  You can see what I've been up to on the other What's Up Wednesday posts by clicking this link

What we're eating this week?
Well, I updated on my A1C numbers and they hadn't changed so that means I'm trying to eat lots of veggies and lean protein.  I am trying to make some good food, not just grilled chicken and salad.    It's hard y'all!

What I'm reminiscing about?
Cookies.  Cake.  Sugar.  All the carbs.

What I'm loving?

This is from Aldi.  I grabbed a couple flavors to have an alternative to diet dr. pepper when I didn't have any cash handy or didn't want to run out to buy one.  They are 49 cents a bottle and this pink grapefruit flavor tastes just like Fresca!  I *heart* Fresca!

What we've been up to?
We had a great time watching Sawyer play baseball this weekend.  Eight and nine year olds playing their first competitive baseball is pretty fun.  Saturday night we had dinner with friends.  It's been a long long time since Matt and I had dinner with another couple that wasn't family.  It was fun!

What I'm dreading?
I can't say that I'm looking forward to my upcoming surgery.  But I'm praying it all goes well and that I will feel much better after wards. 

What I'm working on?
I need a project!

What I'm excited about?
I am looking forward to the next season.  It's that way every season.  As soon as one season starts to end I start to look forward to the next.  I'm glad we live in an area with four seasons. However, if we needed to move to a beach I wouldn't be mad about it at all. 

What I'm reading?
Be sure to check my next post on What I've Been Reading lately. 

What I'm listening to?
I recently listened to a podcast called Lead Stories hosted by Jo Saxton and Steph Williams about living life on mission.  It was four episodes starting with #36, the lies of living life on mission. 

What I'm wearing?
Jeans!  I love a good pair of jeans.  I buy all my jeans at Old Navy.  I love that they are affordable.  I love that I know exactly what size, style, and length I need when I go in.  I just bought a new pair and love that I can wear them now that we are closing in on fall.  I'd like to get some colored jeans - maybe black, olive, burgundy, or a dark peacock blue/green. 

What I'm doing this weekend?
I can't believe it's Labor Day weekend already.  I'm not sure what we are doing. 

What I'm looking forward to next month?
We have free tickets to a Royals game next month and it's t-shirt Tuesday.  It's a cool shirt! 

What else is new?
Matt and I have some opportunities to lead and teach in our community and our church. Prayers we make the right decisions in both instances and that our decisions are for the glory of God.

Bonus:  What's my favorite transitional piece to get me from summer to fall?
I love layering!  This cozy cardigan is one that I wear often.  It's cute for dressing up or down.  It's great for the office on the hot days.  I bought this cardigan at K-Mart years and years ago.  It still looks good and I always get compliments about it when I where it.  Bargain shopping for the win!


  1. Hey, no way! I'm headed to a Royals game next month too! :) I'm gonna have to check out that Aldi's drink! I'm always looking for things to replace pop throughout the day and .49 cents is hard to pass up!


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