Life Changes


What a week!  What a week!  That opportunity I wrote about last time has come to fruition.  I have a new job.  I wasn't looking for a new job but I have one.  I gave my notice on Friday.  I haven't met with HR yet because the director is out of town.  I'll meet with them to "discuss my request" on the 18th.  I haven't been able to tell anyone I currently work with yet, except my principal and para, since I need to square things away with HR.  But I'm leaving none the less.  Life is too short to live unhappily, feeling stressed, anxious, and depressed.

Let me back up, and some of you know this story already, so sorry if you are hearing this for the millionth time.  A couple weeks ago my friend and small group leader, Kristina, emailed me that the church had an opening for a secretary.  She immediately thought of me.  It was by referral only so I didn't do anything but reply that it would be super awesome to work at church.  I mentioned it to Matt and he agreed.  Last Monday I had the worst day at work.  I emailed Kristina and asked if she had sent my name in for the job.  She did Tuesday morning.  The office manager called me that morning to talk to me about the job.  I just happened to have the afternoon off for an appointment with the fertility doctor.  I called her back and she told me a little about the job and asked if I would like to meet with her sometime.  I met with her after my appointment.  We talked for about an hour and then she had the lady who is leaving show me what the job entailed.  She gave me a ballpark of the salary and asked me to call her the next day if I was interested.

Matt and I crunched the numbers and determined that we could make it work.  So I called her on Wednesday to let her know I was interested in pursuing the position.  That afternoon, after teaching, I met with the pastors I would be assisting.  I had a major Holy Spirit moment as one of them shared his experience with having children and how they would rally around me and support me if we were blessed with children in the future.  He had no idea what we've gone through and he even said he didn't know why he was sharing that information.  I was in too much shock and awe to tell him I knew why.  After meeting with the pastors I met with the office manager again.  She said she felt really good about me and that I would fit in with their team really well.  She knew that a lot of what I have done in my teaching career with translate and was sure that what didn't I would learn quickly.  She offered me the job on Thursday and I accepted.  I slept like a baby all night long Thursday night!

Friday I talked to my principal.  She was amazingly supportive.  I expressed how bad I felt at leaving before the year was up but I feel like this is the move I need to make.  I feel like I am being called to something different.  Her response was if you feel like you are being called to God's house you have to go.  Amazing, right?  My paraprofessional is more than supportive, she's been looking for a new job.  I emailed the director of instruction my resignation.  She requested that I make an appointment to "discuss my request" with her and the executive director.  I would love to just get this over with.  I have some fears about this meeting on the 18th.  They could refuse my request, I'm leaving anyway.  They could take legal action and revoke my teaching certificate, they can have it.  They could offer me a million dollars, no amount of money is worth staying.  I'm not sure what all they can or will do.  But I do know that I have put my faith in the Lord to take care of me and my family.  I know that with God I will be more than fine.

Thanks for the prayers and love everyone!


  1. I am so overjoyed for you. I know that you are trusting God's will and he will not lead you astray. Keeping you in my prayers on the 18th for sure. Love you!


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