
I am a child of God, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, cousin, teacher, church secretary, friend, and Geeby.  I'm also an aunt to 3 awesome boys and 5 amazing little girls.

I am addicted to Pinterest.  Follow me.
Instagram is my fave!  If you're on Instagram, here I am
I have the world's best husband.  Wait, maybe I'm biased a little.  But he's perfect for me!  We have the world's best dog.  She's a sweet beagle mix named Pickles.  

We had really hoped to become parents one day. We started trying in July 2011.  We've got two babies in heaven.  You can read lots about our journey by following the infertility label.  There's more to the journey that I haven't been able to write about yet. But I will. I believe in sharing.

I really like to make things for the people I love and care about.  I always like to have a project, whether it be food, yarn, or household.  I love to write.  As a woman who has kept a diary/journal since grade school I have often felt better in writing than in person.  Writing about stuff is therapy for me.  Welcome to my online therapy sessions!  Ha!

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful life.  I thank God every day for the blessings He has brought to my life.  It's Vaughantastic!

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