Friday Favorites

I finished listening to this book and it was a breath of fresh air.  I highly recommend it.

Yeah, still loving this fridge!

My summer drink is back!  Remember my favorite drink from last summer?  Diet Dr Pepper, coconut, and lime.  Mmmm!!  I didn't realize I could order it at Sonic until last weekend.  

We babysat on Sunday and enjoyed some sweet baby snuggles

and fun with the big kids.  Here they are watching a show and playing PJ Masks, the couch is Owlette's car.

Wake up, Uncle Matt!

Also got some outside time with Pickles.

I read a book this week called Body Love.  I've been following the smoothie formula and it's yummy!  I use protein powder for protein -obvs, chia seeds for fiber, avocado or peanut butter for fat, mixed greens, banana, tumeric, and almond milk.  It's a huge smoothie but it has kept me full until lunch most days.  A couple days I didn't have any chia seeds so it was lacking fiber and I was hungry by about 11.  One day I made it until about 1 and realized I should probably eat.

Linking up with Friday Favorites and Friday Love


  1. I'm trying to drink more water, so I love to order a water with strawberries and lemons in it at Sonic!

  2. I am totally going to check out that book! Thanks for the recommendations!

    Juliana Grace |


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