Lisa Day
Yesterday I had the day off. It was the last of my holidays since Christmas and New Year's were on the weekend. The lead up to yesterday was warm and sunny. I had a plan in mind to do some things outside, shop, lunch, walk. But it ended up being cold and sunny.
I started my day early at 6am. I've been getting up an hour early to read my chronological Bible plan (I'm doing this one) and do some kind of workout. It's nice because Matt leaves for work later now so I get some time and coffee with him before he leaves. I didn't get the workout yesterday, I went back to bed.
I got some Target time in before I headed up to get a pedicure at a place near the movie theater. I was the only person there and I got spoiled! I just got the basic pedicure but she spent almost an hour. Which is a clue as to how long it's been since I not only have had a professional pedicure but also a home pedi.
It was too cold to put my fuzzy socks back on so I ran out to the car in my foam flip flops. I turned the heater on my toes to speed up the process.
I drove across the street to Chick-Fil-A to use my calendar card on some free chicken tortilla soup.
Next up a little car picnic while listening to The Happy Hour Podcast with Jamie Ivey. I loved the guest this week. I had not heard of her before but immediately looked up her books on the library website and have one waiting for me to pick up today. Give it a listen! Her name is Lisa Bevere. So fitting on Lisa day!
After my car picnic I took myself to the movies!
Of course I had popcorn, even though I had just had lunch and wasn't really hungry. I also had a smuggled Diet Dr. Pepper (because they don't have it at the movies) and a bit of chocolate.
I saw La La Land! I was in happy tears in the opening musical number. It was magical! It was fun! It was just wonderful! I laughed, I cried, I was transfixed. Just a beautiful movie. I loved the music, the dancing, the story, and the use of color. If you see it, you'll see what I mean. It was so vibrant. I love a good musical. I love all the Gene Kelly movies and could watch them over and over. This movie will probably fall into that category as well. Anyone want to go see it again? I'm in!
I'm so glad I took the day yesterday just to do stuff I like. I also got some time to read Rebekah Lyons new book, You Are Free. I'm almost done. It's the kind of book where I slowed down to savor the words. I love that you could read it in any order. Pick the chapter that applies to your life and start there. Lots of great encouragement! I even managed to do some crochet. More on my latest project later. Now I need to get to the grocery store before the Ice Storm rolls in later today.
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