What Have I Been Reading in September?

1. The Power of Habit by Charles Durhig - How do habits control our lives? How are they formed?  This book was a bit out of my normal genres. It was interesting though. Admittedly, I skimmed some chapters. Maybe some had more examples than I needed to understand the point.  Good book, but if you're going to check this out you could get away with reading the foreword, a story from each chapter, and the appendix. 

2.  Unstoppable by Christine Caine - another one of my favorite Christian teachers/speakers.  I loved this book.  This is the book she was working on when I first saw her at Women of Faith.  So I recalled a handful of the stories, like the loaves and fishes teaching she did was unforgettable!  To read that her husband's mom passed away while they were in KC that year struck me.  She and her teaching had a profound effect on me that year.  I'm thankful she stayed and taught the weekend.

3.  Giddy Up, Eunice by Sophie Hudson - Well, I just enjoyed this book.  It was delightful!  Sophie is funny, like I wish we were friends funny.  I read another book by her and didn't love it.  It was good, it was fine, but didn't resonate with me.  I love how she uses women from the Bible in this book to examine friendships between women of different generations and to illustrate how God puts people in your life that you can relate with.  People you can share your struggles/story/life with and say, "Me, too."  A great book!

Update on the Bible in 90 days plan:  I have made up some lost time by listening in my car on my drive to work and to run errands.  I'll finish the Old Testament tomorrow!  It's really been great to just read/listen to the Old Testament.  I took the pressure of doing a study or reading a commentary along with it off and just decided to read it.  Good stuff!

I'm also working through the Armor of God Bible study by Priscilla Shirer.  I have never done a study like this at my church, probably the last study like this I have done with a group was the Run for God study.  I'm enjoying being with a group of ladies.  I facilitate my little group.  (I don't call myself a leader, more of a conversation starter or awkward pause holder - seriously, I'll wait).  It's been cool to hear how different parts of the study have resonated differently with other ladies. 

Until next time, keep reading!

Linking with QuickLit.


  1. I really liked The Power of Habit but I agree; I think there was a lot of repetition. The background info about Target, Febreze, and how radio stations pick new songs for their playlists was pretty fascinating though!

    Here are my September reads: https://elle-alice.blogspot.ca/2016/09/september-book-reviews.html


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