What Have I Been Reading in July?

July books.  I managed to read quite a bit this month.  I've also been working on the Bible in 90 Days plan on the youversion Bible app.  I read on the app, in my Bible, and I listen to it being read.  I do a little at a time each day.  They say it's like reading 12 pages a day.  So far I've read all of Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua.  This is not as easy peasy as I thought it would be.

1.  The Antelope in the Living Room by Melanie Shankle - This is the second book I have read by Melanie Shankle.  I really enjoy her writing.  She's talks about serious things but still manages to be funny about it.  I appreciate humor in a person.  This book is about marriage.  I have another book by Melanie on my list this month that I am looking forward to.  I found this quote on her blog, The Big Mama blog.  Of course I read her blog now.  I'm kind of a groupie. 

2. Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist - This is a good book.  I gave it 3 out of 5 stars on goodreads.  Good book wrong time for me. I think I would have devoured this book and ranked it much higher a couple years ago.  Bittersweet is a collection of essays by Shauna dealing with finding grace in life even when your life is full of changes.  See why that would have been great for me a couple years ago?  I still think my favorite Shauna Niequist book was Bread and Wine.   

3.  The Good House by Ann Leary - This book was just okay.  It's fiction set in New England, current times.  It's a lady whose daughters did an intervention and sent her to an alcohol treatment facility.  She was in denial.  She tries to go back to her ways and run her real estate business.  There are about 6 characters too many and some weak story lines.  I would have stopped reading but I kept wondering how the stories were going to intersect and how things would play out.  At the end it got exciting for about 20 pages then it was just over.  Really?  That's how you resolve all these things and stories?  Why do we care about this boy?  What happened to the doctor?  It sounded like a great book. It had some good reviews so I figured it must get really good at the end.  Nope.  Don't waste your time.

4.  Sparkly Green Earrings by Melanie Shankle - The last of my Melanie Shankle books but the first in her series.  I read them out of order.  But you really don't have to read them in any order.  This first one is about motherhood mostly.  There are some funny stories as usual.  I'm pretty sure we'd be great friends in real life!  

5.  Home is Where My People Are by Sophie Hudson - Sophie and Melanie Shankle are good writing friends.  They host a podcast that is just them talking about life.  It's like you are listening in on a phone conversation.  They are both just hilarious.  This book was hard for me to get into.  It's a memoir about her life and finding home which I thought I would relate to but I didn't.  Not a bad book at all, just not for me.  She has some other books that are on my list at the library but they are still on hold.  I'll give them a try and, of course, let you know!

Linked up with Modern Mrs. Darcy


  1. I feel the same way about Melanie Shankle and Sophie Hudson. I LOVE Melanie's books. Sophie's are just ok. I love both blogs and their podcast is super fun. It makes my day when it shows up in my feed.

  2. I really liked Bittersweet and thought Cold Tangerines was ok, but have not read Bread and Wine yet. I was excited about Savor and when I got it, was disappointed it was mostly made up of excerpts from her older books, so I have taken a year-or-so off from Shauna but I think I am ready to get Bread & Wine because I have heard so many great things about it!

    Here are my July reads:http://elle-alice.blogspot.ca/2016/07/july-book-reviews.html


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