What Have I Been Reading - April 2016

Well, I didn't read as many books as last month.  Trying to keep up with my Perspectives reading is no joke and I'm not even doing that good of a job with it.  Only 2 more classes. 

1.  Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist.  This is one of those books that you can read in spurts.  I really like that in a book sometimes.  It's a collection of essays.  The concept of the book is celebrating your everyday life.  Some of the essays were great and some were just okay.  This is her first book.  I actually heard her say on a podcast that her first books are not her best. 

That's it.  That is my only book for the month.  I have a lot of books on hold at the library that weren't coming in so I read this book slowly.

Next month I already have 4 books in hand, 4 on hold, and 1 on my wish list.  Hopefully, I'll get some good plane and beach reading done next month. 

Linking here and here.


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