High 5 for Friday

It's been a while since I've done a round up of 5 things that happened over the week.

1.  Monday was a staff development day and I got to have lunch with Becky.  So that was awesome!!

2.  On Wednesday the ladies from our small group met.  I can't tell you what a blessing these ladies are. It's amazing how God brought us together. I'm not the only one dealing with infertility issues currently.   All of them are people I would want to be friends with if we weren't in a small group together.

3.  On that note, I found out that 3 different people I know are pregnant this week.  One super close to my heart, one of the aforementioned small group ladies, and one coworker (which is like the fourth person at work to make that announcement this school year). I couldn't be happier for them all.  I really mean that.

4.  I am not loathing my job as much. The people I work with are really helping that.  They really are great. I'm learning a lot about these kids and myself.  Is it still hard to get up in the morning?  Yes, sometimes. Do I think I'll be teaching next year?  Probably not. Can I put a smile on my face and do the best I can until the end of May?  You bet!

5.  Tonight Matt and I are having a sushi date night. I can't wait to get my hands on a spicy tuna roll!  I guess one good thing about not trying to conceive is that I can safely eat sushi without worrying about it. Another good thing is I don't feel so jazzed up from the Chlomid/Estradial monthly combo.

2 weeks until my surgery!  I'm ready to get this polyp out!


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